Name * First Name Last Name Company/Employer * Home Address * Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Company Address * Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Project Address * Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Home Phone Country (###) ### #### Cell Phone * Country (###) ### #### Business Phone * Country (###) ### #### Personal Email * Website http:// Select * How did you hear about Roost? Web Search Facebook Twitter Houzz Modern Asheville Triangle Modernist Houses Radio TV Internet Advertising Roost Customer Family/Friend Builder Architect/Designer Angie's List Magazine Newspaper Billboard Flyer Parade of Homes Trade Association Better Business Bureau Existing Customer Checkbox * Are you working with a real estate agent at this time? (if no would like us to recommend an agent in your area? / if yes please fill out the realtor contact information section of this form.) yes no no (please help) Real Estate Agent Name First Name Last Name Company Office Phone Country (###) ### #### Cell Phone (###) ### #### Business Address Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Website http:// Land Type * Please best describe the property type. Vacant Land Infill Lot Other Topography * Please describe the topography of project site. gully flat low slope medium slope steep slope cliff hanger Site Vegetation * Please best describe the natural vegetation of the site. dense brush (bring the machete) medium brush (boots and bluejeans) low brush (shorts if you dare) no brush grass garden (park like setting) Vegetation Type * Please select all that apply. poison ivy/oak/sumac... bamboo kudzu other invasive species native grasses meadow grass native established plants volunteer scrub manicured plants/flowers... Site Trees * Please describe the tree density of the property. no trees light density medium density tree farm Tree Species * Please describe the various tree species on the property. pine poplar oak walnut hickory hemlock chestnut cherry fruit trees palm cedar cypress elm redwood Land Stewardship * Are any of the trees or vegetation protected/governed by local, state, federal laws? (including neighborhood associations) yes no not sure Arborist Protection Groups * Please check all that apply. neighborhood association city county state federal not applicable Thank you!